More Bukkake news girls. These are always our top rated Bukkake videos!

Bukkake Weather Girl

This is it, the cream of the crop and by far our most requested type of video, the Bukkake news girl video. So in an effort to spice things up here we are going to feature all of our fave scenes from these vids with some great previews. This is one of my faves from Rocket’s Bukkake News Rapid Fire On Faces Volume 2. Most of the girls here are unbilled but they have incredible skills in regards to keeping their composure under the stickiest circumstances. In this scene the morning weather girl is completely calm as semen gets drizzled through her hair and runs down her face. Even when the guys try to upset her with a little penis in the ear stuff she just keeps on doing the weather. This is must see if you love freaky Japanese sex videos.

Bukkake News

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